How To Casually Ask The Bride And Groom For A Plus-One To Their Wedding
As we get older, it gets less and less fun to go to a wedding alone.
Being single at a wedding is less of a thrill when everyone is coupled off and they spend the whole night slow dancing (even to the fast songs) and swapping saliva during all the mushy wedding moments when you just want someone on your level, to take tequila shots and pose it up at the photo booth with.
So whether or not you just started dating someone new or you're just seeing someone on a weekly basis, first date after first date, here are six nonchalant ways to ask the bride and the groom for a plus-one.
1. Give the bride and groom a hint.
Drop obvious hints along the way, throughout the months leading up to the wedding.
Chat with them about someone you just started seeing or make little side comments about how excited you are for their wedding, even though you're a little worried you'll be the only single one there.
If you're super close with the bride and the groom, you can even ask who else is getting a plus-one. It may spark an idea in their head that since most of their other friends are bringing someone, you should too.
2. Bring it up early on.
Don't wait for the last minute when they are suffocated with pre-wedding stress. Asking if you can bring a plus-one, the week before the wedding, will probably get quite the annoyed response that'll make you feel like you've just been sent to adult time-out (the open bar), alone for the entire wedding.
3. Ask about a singles table.
If you've already tried asking about what other friends or guests are getting a plus-one and they didn't take the bait, ask about a singles table. Will there be one? Who is sitting there?
Do they think you'll get along with their third cousin, twice removed, who still acts like he's the president of a fraternity, even though he's 36?
They may start to feel some pity for you and your wedding seating arrangement, so they'll extend the white flag of plus-one freedom.
4. Take the pressure off.
This method isn't for everyone, but if it's for you, just try to play it cool. Let them know you plan to have a good time at their wedding no matter what, but if you could bring a plus-one, that would be rad.
Be sure to have responses for any and all follow-up questions they may toss your way, like “Who would you bring?” or “Didn't you just break up with your long-term boyfriend?” or “Are you sure you'll still have fun if you have to babysit a guy you just met on Tinder the week before that you'll end up bringing?”
5. Do it when RSVPs come in.
If you do wait for the last minute to ask if you can bring someone as your plus-one, do it when the RSVPs are coming in. Casually mention that if a handful of guests can't make it to the wedding and they have room or a head count they need to meet, you can help out by bringing a plus-one.
6. Talk about your new boo.
Without directly asking if you can bring someone to the wedding, be sure to bring up your newfound relationship and how excited you are about it. Try to bring this up or insert it into conversation on a weekly basis.
That way, it'll be on the bride and groom's radar that you're seeing someone, if you are seeing someone. If not, you may have a lower chance of scoring a plus-one, so get comfy at the singles table.