10 Things That Happen To Women When They First Fall In Love
Are you in a new relationship and find yourself in love?
Ahhhh, who doesn't love that cloud-nine feeling of butterflies in your stomach, the constant anticipation of seeing each other again and not being able to keep your hands off each other? You risked the chance of getting hurt because something about that person makes you feel they are “worth it.” So cliché -- but it's how you feel.
It's romantic love and it hijacks your brain. You have become smitten with your significant other. Sometimes, this feeling happens right away in the new relationship or it can occur over a longer period of time when you focus your attention on just one person.
Psychological, biological and anthropological research have found evidence of “romantic love.” It's suggested romantic love dates back thousands of years in almost every part of the world -- proving love is very much alive and well.
Here are 10 real things that happen to women when they are romantically in love:
You want to give that person all your free time.
The weekends are no longer just your weekends. You don't need to make plans to see each other, it becomes assumed you'll be spending it together unless otherwise specified. Instead of asking to see each other on the weekends, you share when you can't see each other since it's the exception to the routine.
You find yourself keeping some secrets from your best friend.
You now have someone to share confidences with, and it's so exciting to not bottle them up.
You find yourself having pillow talks about your childhood.
All of a sudden, you're thinking about childhood moments that were meaningful to you. You want to share them with your significant other when lying down together. There's something about being horizontal with someone you love that melts away your filter, am I right? #NoShame
Love songs and romantic movies constantly make you think about your significant other.
The songs on the radio just don't sound the same anymore!
You find yourself fantasizing about reliving some of those moments from your favorite romcoms.
You also want to have a sign sequence done like in "Love Actually." You want your partner to say, “To me you are perfect.” #BlameHollywood
You could be having the worst day feeling stressed out about work, but you find yourself having loads of energy and something to always look forward to.
No longer are you going home moody and upset, you count down the minutes until you can be together again.
You start imagining what your babies would look like if you ever had any together.
#Guilty #NotGuilty
You like to tease and play like children.
You go back to your days of flirting on the playground. Those moments are everything.
You wear sexier pajamas to bed.
And you start to get up early to fix your makeup/hair/whatever bed-head damage you have and get back into bed to pretend you just woke up like this. #IWokeUpLikeThis
You remember all the little details of things that person said to you.
Now, everything your significant other says has all the meaning in the world to you even though they may seem trivial to your friends and family.
Love is a beautiful thing, embrace it!