10 Things A Scorpio Wants You To Know Before You Date Them
Scorpio is quite possibly the most intense, complicated sign of the zodiac.
If you are a Scorpio, you know this first hand, and if you've dated a Scorpio, you've gotten a close and personal look.
Dating a Scorpio isn't for everyone, though if you can handle it, you're in for the time of your life.
But, there are a few things you should understand before diving right into a romanic life with anyone who falls under this sign:
Passion. Passion. Passion.
There's a reason why Scorpio is considered the most sexual sign of the Zodiac. There's no denying the passion they bring to the bedroom or any room, really.
If you want to pique a Scorpio's interest, be ready for sex anytime, anywhere.
If you want to pique a Scorpio's interest, be ready for sex anytime, anywhere. There's no boring, drawn-out or lifeless sex when it comes to this sign, so bring your A game if you want to keep up. Scorpios will be sure to blow your mind.
Don't waste your time by lying.
Scorpios are known for being truth-seekers. Don't bother bullshitting them because it's only a matter of time before they uncover the truth.
If you thought your ex-girlfriend was a professional at social media stalking, you haven't seen anything yet. It might come off as a bit suspicious or jealous, but chances are they'll only feel that way if you give them a reason to.
Give them space.
Independence is extremely necessary for Scorpios, especially when in a relationship.
For this sign, there's nothing worse than feeling suffocated by their partner.
Independence is extremely necessary for Scorpios, especially when in a relationship.
They have no issue spending time by themselves, whether it's at home or out in public. Don't take this personally; they simply need this space regularly.
Don't try to solve their problems.
The last things Scorpios want is someone who thinks they have all the answers.
If a Scorpio opens up to you about something bothering them, listen without telling them what to do. They don't want your advice. They want to figure it out on their own.
If you're not all in, then get out.
Loyalty is another huge attribute of a Scorpio. Once they decide to commit to someone, you better be ready, too.
If you're not interested in giving this person your all, you might as well give up now. Scorpios don't date just anybody, so they won't stick around for someone who's not giving them what they deserve.
Support their career goals.
Once a Scorpio sets her sight on a career goal, buckle up and get ready. There's nothing that will make a Scorpio give up on their goals, including their partner.
Once a Scorpio sets her sight on a career goal, buckle up and get ready.
If you want it to work out with a Scorpio, you have to encourage and support whatever career goals they are chasing after.
Be willing to open up.
Scorpios will always dig deeper in your mind, wanting to know everything about your past, current and future self.
You'll have to open up truthfully about everything, or they'll sense you're hiding something. It doesn't matter how bad it is; all they want from you is the truth.
They forgive, but they don't forget.
Being resentful is something Scorpios are known for, and it's not something you want to experience. If you screw up, they will find out.
And while a Scorpio might forgive you, you can forget about them letting it go.
Act you're age.
Scorpios have zero tolerance for immaturity. They grew up dealing with those immature boys in high school and are long since done with them. Act your age if you want any chance at impressing them.
Scorpios have zero tolerance for immaturity.
Get ready for the time of your life.
Dating a Scorpio isn't always easy, but if you have nothing to hide and can give them space, then you should be just fine. It'll be worthwhile when you realize just how passionate and loyal they can be.
If you can get a Scorpio to fall for you, chances are you won't be going back to another zodiac sign any time soon.