
By The End Of 2022, These 4 Zodiac Signs Could Be In A Totally Different Place

Out with the old, in with the new.

by Roya Backlund
Originally Published: 
The astrology of 2022 will shake things up *big time*.

And if you're a fixed sign, you'll feel it the most. On Jan. 18, the North Node will enter Taurus, guiding you toward luxury, stability, and financial freedom. This shift will bring fixed signs closer to their ultimate destiny, thanks to four eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis.


Around July 30, fixed signs could experience a change that is both major and unexpected. This is when Uranus will join forces with the North Node, dragging the world into the future. Change is coming and it's coming fast. Here's why fixed signs are leading a revolution in 2022:


TBH, no one's changing more during 2022 than you are, Taurus. The North Node spends the year in Taurus, which is bringing you so much change and helping you make so many strides. Leave behind what you've outgrown, because you're getting to know the person you're meant to become.

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Saturn is also moving through your 10th house of career during 2022, putting pressure on you to achieve your vision of success. Renew your commitment to your goals for long haul, because shortcuts aren't in your interest anymore. Build your career with something solid and sturdy.


Prepare to be shaken way out of your comfort zone this year, Leo. Let go of what's holding you back from the career you're meant to have. During 2022, the North Node will activate your 10th house of reputation, encouraging you to make bold choices and compete for your success.


Your relationships will also be put to the test this year. Saturn is continuing its journey through your seventh house of allies, lovers, and enemies, revealing the weak spots in your relationship dynamics. Strengthen those dynamics in 2022. It's time to commit or call it quits.


You're leaving dysfunctional relationships behind, Scorpio. In 2022, your relationship dynamics have to evolve, thanks to the North Node. The breakups and makeups that happen will happen for a reason. And a new person you meet could have an important role to play in your destiny.

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During 2022, Saturn will also force you to heal your home life. It may be time to shed the burden your family has placed on you. At the same time, Saturn will help you strengthen and transform your understanding of family altogether. Build a home that actually *feels* like home.


In 2022, you're redefining where you belong, Aquarius. The North Node is showing you that home is not always a place, but a state of mind. At one point, you may have felt at home in a certain place with a certain group of people. But this year, you're setting down your own roots.

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Saturn will also move through Aquarius this year, emboldening you to grow up and leave behind self-doubt. When you doubt yourself, it's much harder to rise to the occasion and prove yourself. You're stronger than you think, and in 2022, you're learning how to rely on yourself.