
Dark Times Are Ahead For 3 Zodiac Signs In October

This month could be isolating.

Libra season usually marks a social time. It is #cuffingSZN, after all. But it won’t be long before Scorpio season makes it mark — and you know how dark the season of the Scorpion can get. That’s why October 2022 will be the worst for certain zodiac signs.

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During the month of October, three zodiac signs will experience a far more isolating season than most, since the sun will be trekking through the dark houses of their birth charts. This energy will prompt each of them to do some inner work to prepare for a busy season ahead.

Read on, if you dare.

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Taurus (April 19—May 21)

It’s a less-than-energizing month for you, Taurus. Since you share a ruling planet with Libra (Venus), this season will likely prioritize your interests, but in a different way than what you’re used to.

You’ll be prompted to establish balance in your mundane rituals. Treating yourself after work, or creating a more pleasant, balanced diet could be good places to start. Now is the time to shift your attention to where things have been out of alignment, because you tend to be pretty impacted by imbalance.

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Scorpio (Oct. 22—Nov. 21)

You may feel more reserved than usual this month, Scorpio. This may not be what you’re used to, but it won’t be all bad. That just means you’ll be feeling renewed and refreshed by the time your season comes along at the end of October.

As the sun travels through your 12th house of isolation, it’d be in your best interest to review your mental health habits. After a *very* chaotic Mercury retrograde, you likely feel the need to recenter your energy, so don’t hesitate to take a mental health day.

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Pisces (Feb. 20—March 21)

This month, the social energy of Libra season will prompt you to assess your intimate relationships with other people. While these conversations may not be easy, they are necessary, Pisces.

You’ll be called to draw important lines between your responsibilities and others’ obligations. Though it can be a challenge to establish boundaries, it’s necessary for your well-being. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

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