
The Most Romantic Day Of The Year Is Coming Up, And Every Sign Will Feel The Love

Romantic expansion is on the horizon.

by Chelsea Jackson
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The most romantic day this month is also the most romantic day of 2022, so if you have plans to walk down the aisle on April 30, consider yourself lucky. On this day, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin in Pisces, the sign of Jupiter’s domicile and Venus’ exaltation. Together, these two benefics fuse their significations and offer expansion when it comes to love, art, and beauty for every zodiac sign.

Here’s what you can expect:


On April 30, you’ll experience growth when it comes to your mental health practices. It will be a great day to implement some new self-care rituals, and consider how you prioritize your pleasure in isolation.

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You’ll be eager to connect with the people around you. The energy from this conjunction will make growing potential connections incredibly seamless for you, so be sure to take advantage of this energy.

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Your career and public image will experience major growth starting April 30. This will be the perfect day to embark on a new creative project; you’re certain to see it grow, thanks to Jupiter’s influence.

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Starting April 30, you’ll notice a sense of inspiration and opportunity show up when it comes to your belief systems. This is a great day to examine whether your current spiritual practices are serving you, and you’ll feel eager to share your newfound perspectives with people around you.

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You’re about to see major opportunities when it comes to your finances. While your need for independence can sometimes keep you from asking for assistance, this will be a great day to lean on others. They’ll be happy to give it to you.

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Your connections with others will be strongly supported on April 30, and opportunity for growth is sure to present itself. Do I hear wedding bells?

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Finding pleasure in newfound routines and habits is about to be a breeze. Now is the perfect time to tackle any tasks you’ve been putting off, because you’ll definitely have the energy to do so.

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Dating and creative expression is the theme of this day. Whatever you commit yourself to creating on April 30 is bound to expand, so be sure to use the potent energy of this day to plant some seeds.

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Connecting to your private world will be easy and effortless on April 30. Whether you’re beautifying your living space or connecting with relatives, you’ll feel inspired and surrounded by love.

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On April 30, your need to form connections through shared ideas among your community will be emphasized. Now is the time to share your opinions with others, because they’re bound to be received well.

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You’ll find incredible new opportunities when it comes to money and resources. Growth and expansion will now be incredibly possible when it comes to your finances, so be sure to explore your options.

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Opportunities for personal growth, self-love, and abundance will present themselves, as well as a surge in optimism. Anything you put your mind to on April 30, you’re likely to accomplish, so be sure to go for whatever it is your heart desires.