
Neptune Retrograde’s Finally Coming To An End, Which Means *Big* Things For Your Sign

After nearly six months, the illusive planet will finally begin to move forward again.

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Since June 25, Neptune has been retrograding through Pisces, emphasizing confusion and uncertainty. Every zodiac sign has experienced its influence differently, and the direct station of this planet on Dec. 1 will affect everyone differently as well.

Here’s what you can expect:

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Neptune retrograde likely added a sense of fogginess and inability to your wellness practices, but on Dec. 1, you can expect some of the uncertainty you've been feeling to lift a bit. The effects will still be present, but much easier to manage.

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As Neptune stations direct, you can expect some of the uncertainty you've been feeling when it comes to your connections to subside a bit. You're all about prioritizing your relationships, and on Dec. 1, they will start to feel much easier to prioritize.

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Starting Dec. 1, Neptune stationing direct will offer slight clarity to the fogginess you've been experiencing. This energy is great for creativity and allowing yourself to think outside the box, so allow yourself to dream big, even if you don't have all the answers.

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If you've been experiencing difficulty implementing solid spiritual practices, Neptune stationing direct can help clarify some things. This retrograde likely caused some uncertainty, but its effects can also aide in your spiritual endeavors.

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Neptune rx likely caused some confusion pertaining to external assistance. The good thing is, Neptune's direct station will clear the air, so if you've been waiting on a loan or grant to come through, this should help speed things along.

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Your love life has likely been up in the air lately. Fortunately, this energy will slightly shift as Neptune rx ends. The energy of this planet is a reminder to lean into the creative, unknown side of life, especially when it comes to your connections.

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Neptune retrograde ending on Dec. 1 will hopefully lift any confusion or uncertainty you've had pertaining to your health or wellness. Now is a great time to schedule an appointment with a holistic doctor, or revise your daily routines.

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Neptune's uncertain energy doesn't always align with you. Since it's been retrograding, this energy has likely shown itself in the areas of fun and indulgence. Thankfully, on Dec. 1, Neptune will station direct, offering an idealistic outlook on anything you create.

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Your home dynamics have been a bit unclear, but Neptune stationing direct will help clear the air. You tend to do most of your exploring away from home, but this transit will likely reel you back in and prompt you to establish some level of security.

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Communication has been a bit foggy for you, but on Dec. 1, things will begin to clear up. With Neptune's direct station, it should become much easier for you to put any newfound dreams into motion.

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Neptune stationing direct will lift the haziness you've been feeling toward your finances. As things begin to clear up, you'll be able to reach a slightly more stable place when it comes to money matters.

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Clarity pertaining to your purpose will slowly begin to reveal itself. You've likely felt Neptune rx more than anyone else has, but now you can enhance your idealistic aspirations instead of work against them. It's time to allow yourself to dream big and take action.

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