
How Mercury Retrograde Fall 2022 Ending Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Clarity is on the horizon.

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After weeks of chaos, it’s time to rejoice, fam. Mercury retrograde fall 2022 ends on Oct. 2, which means each zodiac sign can expect increased clarity in the days that follow.

If you want to know how your sign will spring into productive action following Mercury’s direct station, allow me to show you the way:

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Aries (March 21—April 19)

Get ready for some major clarity when it comes to your habits and routines, Aries, because on Oct. 2, Mercury will bring clarity to this area of your life. Now is the perfect time to get organized, schedule a doctor’s appointment, or revamp your diet.

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Taurus (April 20—May 20)

Your romantic endeavors have been under review, but starting on Oct. 2, you’ll be able to make clear-headed decisions regarding your desire for pleasure and intimacy. Trust your judgement.

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Gemini (May 21—June 20)

As a sign ruled by Mercury, you’ve felt this retrograde more than most, Gemini. But as Mercury speeds up on Oct. 2, you’ll be eager to tackle the to-do list regarding your home and family life.

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Cancer (June 21—July 22)

If you’ve been experiencing some brain fog as of late, expect it to be lifted come Oct. 2, Cancer. Decision-making will become much easier, so roll up your sleeves and get busy.

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Leo (July 23—Aug. 22)

Your mindset around your finances will experience sudden clarity. Take a close look at your spending habits, or brainstorm new ways to make money — anything that allows you to use the analytical benefits of this astro-weather.

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Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22)

Your desire to be of service is about to reach an all-time high. Get ready for an eventful week, because Mercury’s now direct and exalted, so you’ll definitely have your hands full.

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Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22)

On Oct. 2, you’ll receive some necessary clarity regarding your self-care and mental health practices. Since Sept. 9, you’ve been called to reflect on your subconscious thoughts and ideas, and on this day, it’ll be easier to implement newfound habits.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21)

Your sense of community is thriving. How you communicate with your besties will productive, and your desire to be of service will promptly present itself to others. You’ll have excellent advice to give, so feel free to speak your mind, Scorpio.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)

You’ll experience major clarity regarding your professional life that allows you to be productive. If you’ve been reviewing and revising your career endeavors, now is the perfect time to put some of these ideas into action.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)

Clear communication to your belief systems is underway. Since Sept. 9, you’ve been prompted to reflect and review on what it is that you believe in. Once Mercury stations direct, you’ll be able to pursue new endeavors in a way that’s detailed and productive.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20—Feb. 18)

Since Sept. 9, you’ve been prompted to review and revise where you’ve drawn the line in your intimate relationships. Come Oct. 2, it’ll be much easier to analyze how much you’re giving versus what you’re getting in return in your relationships.

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Pisces (Feb. 19—March 20)

Expect some clarity in your love life. Since Sept. 9, you’ve been called to revisit old themes within your partnerships. On Oct. 2, you’ll finally be able to have productive conversations that allow you to be heard and understood.

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