March 2 Will Be The Best Day To Manifest Your Biggest Wishes This Month

Hopeful new beginnings are on the horizon, thanks to the new moon in Pisces.

by Chelsea Jackson
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On March 2, the sun and moon will conjoin in Pisces, offering an expansive, optimistic new beginning for every zodiac sign. This lunation will also be conjunct Jupiter, making this an ideal time to manifest your dreams and wishes.

Here’s how each zodiac sign will be affected:


The new moon in Pisces will offer you a fresh new beginning pertaining to your mental health. This is a great time to focus on your mindset. What have you been meditating on lately? With Jupiter also hanging out here, what you focus on will grow, so be sure to use this ability wisely.

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Now is the perfect time to focus on collaborations; your connections are your most helpful tool right now. Share your dreams and ideals with your social circle. Odds are they share a similar goal.

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On March 2, the new moon in Pisces will offer an expansive, optimistic new beginning in your professional life. You’ve got big dreams for your career endeavors, and on this day, they will really start to feel within your reach.

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The new moon in Pisces on March 2 will emphasize a need to broaden your horizons. You’ll be eager to initiate an expansive new beginning. Whether you take up a new spiritual practice or embark on an exciting new journey, you’ll definitely experience personal growth.

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The new moon will prompt a new beginning in the area of finances and assistance from others. Now is the time to lean into any opportunities being offered to you. You’ll likely benefit a great deal from this assistance.

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I see romance in your future. The hopeful, optimistic energy of the new moon will support any new bonds you’ve made recently, so be sure to lean into this energy on March 2.

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Your daily routines are in need of an overhaul. Now’s the perfect time to embark on a newfound wellness journey, or tackle some of the things that have been culminating on your to-do list.

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Your artistic endeavors could use some freshening up. With Jupiter conjunct the new moon, it’s a good time to embark on a new passion project, because it’s sure to grow expeditiously.

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You’ll likely notice a new, optimistic beginning in your home and family life. Whether you’re relocating, redecorating, or simply reconnecting with family, it’s a good day to spend touching back to your roots.

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You’ll be prompted to expand your mind and share newfound ideas. With Jupiter closely conjunct the new moon, you’ll be feeling a desire to expand your mind, whether it be through reading, writing, or communicating.

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It’s time to expand your finances. With Jupiter closely conjunct the luminaries on March 2, you’ll be feeling a sense of optimism as you embark on a new opportunity in this area.

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If you’ve been feeling like you’re on the brink of a fresh start, you’re not mistaken. Change is on the horizon for you, and in the best way possible. Now is the perfect opportunity to lean into embarking on an optimistic, expansive personal journey, so be sure to soak up this energy as much as you can.

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