Start your day off on the right foot.
Sometimes, a proper stretch in the morning can be more invigorating than a cup of coffee. As summer comes to an end, you want to keep your energy high as the days get shorter with this 10-minute morning yoga routine that’ll set you up for the rest of your day.
Elite Daily spoke with MIRROR trainer and wellness expert Pilin Anice, who shared six exercises that create the perfect morning yoga routine. Not only will these yoga poses get you going first thing, but it’s also quick and easy. That means you can easily do this yoga routine before running to class or when you have to hop on an early morning Zoom meeting while working from home.
To start off your 10-minute morning yoga routine, Anice suggests you get into a cat-cow flow. From a tabletop position with your “wrist in line with shoulders and knees in line with hips,” inhale as you extend your spine while “lifting your heart and tailbone.” When it’s time to exhale, Anice says to “round the spine, drawing your navel in and up.” You’ll want to also bring your chin into your chest and tailbone under. This exercise should last for about six to 10 rounds of breathing, and it works to wake up your spine.
While the word “split” may sound intimidating, these half splits are easy to get into and will help stretch your “posterior chain,” according to Anice. This will also help warm you up, which will be especially nice on a cool fall day. To get into it, “send your right foot forward,” but keep your pelvis even and spine long. From there, shift backwards towards your left heel for about six to eight rounds before switching to the other side. Flex your front foot for an even bigger stretch
The first thing you’ll want to do after your morning yoga routine is grab some breakfast. This next pose will “improve circulation as well as digestion, which are perfect to prepare the body to receive your morning meal,” according to Anice. From your half split position, shift into a lunge and twist your rib cage so your right arm is up as your right leg is forward. After taking in about six to eight breaths, switch sides. You can either leave your leg up or keep it on the ground.
One of the most popular yoga poses is also great for the morning, because Anice shares it “increases circulation and brings fresh oxygen to your brain and activates and awakens the muscles in the upper and lower body.” You want to wake up your body just like your fave PSL. To get into this position, extend your arms and legs from a tabletop position. Make sure to allow “your head to be heavy, relieving any compression in your spine,” and stay there for about six to eight breaths.
Now it’s time to get up to perform a standing half moon, which Anice says “invigorates your core and creates space to find the fullness of your breath.” While in your standing position, reach your arms up with your fingers interlace and index released. From here, lengthen up and lean your torso to the side. Make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed, and do this stretch on both sides.
This breathing exercise will stimulate your sympathetic nervous system. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale through the nose while swinging your arms in front of your body. As you keep inhaling, stretch your arms to the side, and for the last of your inhale, swing your arms over your head with palms facing each other. When it’s time to exhale, Anice says to do it with a “ha” as you bend your body forward and swing your arms behind you. Do this breath work for about five to eight times.