
Here Are The 10 Biggest Takeaways From The Love Is Blind Season 2 Reunion

Otherwise known as the "Everybody Hates Shake" show.

by Sarah Halle Corey

Love Is Blind Season 2 may be over, but fans know the drama never truly ends. Netflix released the show’s Season 2 reunion special on March 4, and some of the cast revealed some major secrets while others — ahem, Shake — stirred the pot even more.

Adam Rose/Netflix

1. Shake Is The Show’s Biggest Villain

He didn’t even seem to try to come off as a good person. At any opportunity he found, Shake interjected with his own opinions about how “fake” everyone else was being. “I feel like you’re just trying to break people down,” Jarrette told him.

Adam Rose/Netflix

2. Even Nick & Vanessa Lachey Seemed Anti-Shake

Usually, hosts stay pretty neutral, but the Lacheys couldn’t help but offer their raw opinions. Vanessa said she thought he was on “the wrong show” while Nick said, “I don’t like people who treat human beings the way you do.”

Adam Rose/Netflix

3. Deepti Called Shake Out

Deepti had the chance to tell Shake how she really feels: “I just want to say it’s OK to not be physically attracted to somebody … It’s the way you go about life, it’s how you do it, it’s how you say it, that’s extremely disrespectful.”

Adam Rose/Netflix

4. Shaina Felt Manipulated By Kyle

She said she shouldn’t have said yes to his proposal, but she felt like she had to please him when he offered his mother’s engagement ring. She also said she wanted to try a relationship with someone who’s not Christian.

Adam Rose/Netflix

5. Nick & Danielle Have Gone To Therapy

They had a lot of arguments during the show, but said that once they got to be together in the real world, a lot of their disagreements became “nonexistent.” They also said they have lots of dance parties in their new home together.

Adam Rose/Netflix

6. Mallory & Sal Met Up After Their Wedding

Mal and Sal didn’t get married, but they left the option open for dating in the real world. However, Mallory said that when they met for coffee after the show, they realized the connection just wasn’t there.


7. Kyle Wishes He Proposed To Deepti

Kyle revealed a huge secret when he said he and Deepti actually built a connection in the pods, but fans didn’t see it. He said he should have proposed to her and Shake gave his blessing for them dating in the future (like anyone needs that).

Adrian S. Burrows Sr./Netflix

8. Shayne & Natalie Tried To Make It Work

One of the most emotional moments came when Shayne and Natalie talked about their tearful fight the night before their wedding. They revealed they tried to date after the show, but there was too much pain there to make it work.

Adrian S. Burrows Sr./Netflix

9. Shayne & Shaina Are Just Friends

Shayne got weirdly tight-lipped when he was asked if he and Shaina have seen each other after the show. Shaina said they’ve hung out, but they’re just friends... although Shayne’s silent reaction was a bit odd.


10. Jarrette & Iyanna Were Intimate In Mexico

Jarrette and Iyanna are happily married now, but one part of their Love Is Blind journey did not go as planned. They were waiting until marriage to sleep together, but they couldn’t wait and slept together — just once — in Mexico.

Adam Rose/Netflix

All episodes of Love Is Blind Season 2 are streaming on Netflix.

Adam Rose/Netflix