
These 4 Signs May Argue On Valentine’s Day, But That Might Not Be A Bad Thing

Kissing and making up could actually be... fun đŸ˜‰

This Could Be The Hottest Valentine’s Day Ever

Valentine's Day has never been *this* tantalizing. The moon will make a scene in dramatic and romantic Leo, only inches away from being full, but not quite yet. V-Day is teetering over the edge of becoming the full moon in Leo, and you're feeling the heat of its fiery buildup.

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Venus and Mars will also join forces in domineering Capricorn, increasing the desire and tension. Venus is soft and and Mars is rough, and too much intensity between lovers could set off fuses. However, it could also lead to some passionate breakthroughs for these zodiac signs:


Valentine's Day may feel like being rocked back and forth by waves of so many different emotions. It'll be beautiful, but also exhausting. As the moon explores your intimate eighth house, you may confront your deepest urges. Follow your desires, but don't forget your boundaries.

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As Venus and Mars bring passion and inspiration to your seventh house of partnerships, this Valentine's Day could reignite the spark in your relationship. It could also be the start of a new relationship; one that's beyond beautiful. Harness the fire before you let it burn you.


The moon is in Leo on Valentine's Day, bringing your idealistic nature to the surface. Your reputation for being a lil *dramatic* proceeds you, because it's also in the beginning stages of the full moon on Feb. 16. Assert yourself, but be thoughtful about what you're asserting.

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On Cupid's holiday, the Leo moon will also oppose the Aquarius sun as it shines its healing light on your relationships. This friction between your desires and that of your lover's could lead to spilled milk. Rather than argue over the mess, why not laugh and make-out instead?


On Valentine's Day, you're feeling yourself (like, really, really feeling yourself). On Feb. 14, Venus and Mars will rendezvous in Capricorn, stoking the fire of your desires. You're radiating money and sensuality, but glory can tip over if you're not paying attention when you pour it.

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The Valentine's Day moon will nurture your intimate eighth house, redefining your boundaries. Fear of letting go is just as unfair as the fear of letting in. Keeping your heart guarded at all times is just as unwise as letting someone in before they've revealed their intentions.


Your relationships could embrace a shift on Valentine's Day. The moon will rush through your partnership sector, bringing resolutions and dissolutions to the surface. The energy between you and your lover is steadily heating up, creating a pressure cooker that's ready to burst.

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However, as Venus and Mars enchant your 12th house of empathy, you're ready to be honest. Let go of your defenses and fall back knowing they'll catch you. A secret admirer may also be revealed, piquing your interest. You know you want to know more, so ask the burning questions.