The 4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Cry On Easter Won’t Feel Too *Hoppy*

Allergies and emotions are on high.

by Chelsea Jackson
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Easter’s upon us, and while many zodiac signs will be basking in the springtime sun, donning sundresses, and participating in egg hunts, there are a few signs that won’t be feeling in the holiday spirit. Here are the four zodiac signs most likely to cry on Easter 2022:


As the full moon in Libra shifts from your seventh house of partnership into your eighth house of secrets, burdens, and shared resources, you’ll be prompted to consider how you set boundaries with other people on Easter, as the moon shifts into Scorpio.

This is the perfect time to do an emotional check-in. How are the people you’ve been surrounding yourself with lately actually making you feel? If you’ve been sensing a disconnect, Easter will be the perfect day to confront these feels.

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On Easter, the full moon will place emphasis on your home, family, and private world. After some light-hearted third house topics have been illuminated, you’ll now be prompted to do a deep dive.

While this is typically a day for socializing, you’ll be feeling much more inclined to withdraw and reflect on the themes that the full moon brought to the surface, like how safe and secure you feel to express your emotions.

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As the full moon shifts from your first house of self into your second house of self-care, value, and resources, you’ll be prompted to do some reflection pertaining to how you spend your time, money, and energy.

While emphasis on your first house illuminated your relationship with yourself, the full moon shifting into your second house will bring up themes around how you value and treat yourself. This may bring up some uncomfortable emotions, but it’s important for you to confront some of these potential issues.

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On Easter, the full moon in Libra will shift from your 12th house of isolation and seclusion to your first house of self and identity, prompting you to consider how you’re expressing yourself emotionally.

As the zodiac sign that tends to keep their cards close to their chest, you’ll be feeling far more inclined to share your feelings today, so be sure to lean into this energy. Expressing yourself is incredibly healthy and necessary.

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