Mercury Retrograde Will Live Up To Its Challenging Reputation For 3 Zodiac Signs

Choose your words wisely.

by Chelsea Jackson
Originally Published: 

On Sept. 9, Mercury will station retrograde in Libra, bringing forth a period of revision and reflection to relationships until Oct. 2. During this period, the desire to mediate and find common ground will be present — and three signs will be affected the most by Mercury retrograde fall 2022.

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While every sign will be affected by the planet of communication retrograding through the cosmos, a select trio will be affected the most by this transit, based on where Mercury will be traveling through in their birth charts.

Here’s what each of them can expect:

Gemini (May 20-June 21)

On Sept. 9, Mercury, your chart ruler, will station retrograde, prompting a period of reflection for you regarding your passion projects.

As Mercury retraces its steps through your fifth house, you may find yourself revisiting old creative or pleasure-seeking pursuits. It’s the perfect time to consider how you can bring more harmony and balance to this area of your life. How do you prioritize your own enjoyment?

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Virgo (Aug. 20-Sept. 22)

As your chart ruler retrogrades through the sky on Sept. 9, you’ll be prompted to review and revise your money and resources, making this the perfect time to do what you love: get organized.

You’ll be called to reconsider how you’ve been making use of your resources. Has your current method been allowing you to establish balance, harmony, and equilibrium? If not, it may be time to make some important adjustments.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

On Sept. 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your sign until Oct. 2, bringing forth a period of personal reflection. As a Venusian, your desire to connect with others will be a major focal point.

With Mercury traveling through your first house of self, the way you seek to form connections with others through shared ideas will be up for review. While this may be a time where communication is more of a challenge in your relationships, this time will provide necessary clarity for how you aim to bond with others.

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