
Every Zodiac Sign Will Be Feeling The Heat (And Loving It) On This 1 Day In July

Let Hot Girl Summer begin.

by Chelsea Jackson
Originally Published: 

Aries: You'll Experience Heightened Creative And Sexual Energy

Since Leo governs your fifth house of pleasure, July 13 will be a day of spark once Venus and Mars join forces. You’re always passionate, but this is the perfect day to channel that into any new projects.

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Taurus: You're Prioritizing Home And Family Matters

The fiery energy of Venus and Mars in Leo on July 13 promises renewed energy in your home and private life. You're all about comfort in your spaces, and the conjunction of these two planets will inspire you to get creative.

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Gemini: You're Asserting Yourself Through Speech

You tend to never mince words, and that rings true even more for you on July 13, when Venus and Mars hook up in your third house of communication. This is a day where your words will pack a punch in the best ways.


Cancer: Expect A Financial Boost

When Venus and Mars join forces in your second house of money and possessions on July 13, you'll notice your finances take a sharp turn for the better. Just be sure not to splurge too much — you don’t want to squander what you’ve earned.

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Leo: All Eyes Are On You

Venus and Mars join forces in your first house of self on July 13, enhancing your beauty and your will to initiate your goals. You’ll be feeling on top of the world, but be mindful of your desire to be overzealous — you don’t want to burn out.

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Virgo: Your Insecurities Are Subsiding

You tend to take failure really hard, but on July 13, Venus and Mars will join forces in your 12th house of mental health, prompting you to reflect on your self-doubt in the best way possible. Allow yourself to be appreciated.

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Libra: You’re Making Life-Changing Connections

As Venus and Mars join forces in your 11th house of friends, you’re beginning to make the connections of a lifetime. You’re all about building relationships, so this boost in your social circles is just what the doctor ordered.

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Scorpio: Your Career Ambitions Are Being Fulfilled

When Venus and Mars join up on July 13 in your 10th house of career, you’ll be feeling ambitious when it comes to your profession. Your determination to succeed will be directed toward getting ahead — and it’ll pay off.

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Sagittarius: Spiritual Growth Is Your Top Priority

You’ll be fusing connection and ambition due to the conjunction of Venus and Mars in your ninth house. If you’ve been enamored with a new spiritual practice, expect to see much personal growth.

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Capricorn: Expect A Helping Hand

You’re all about getting things done all on your own, but on July 13, expect a helping hand when it comes to your finances. Someone’s noticed your hard work, and wants to reward you — don’t be too prideful to take advantage of it.

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Aquarius: Sparks Are Flying In Your Love Life

On July 13, your attention will be on potential or current romantic partners. Venus traveling through the seventh house is always pleasant, and with Mars joining her this time around, the connections you make will be electrifying.

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Pisces: You’re Making Strides In Your Wellness Journey

Your health is something you prioritize. On July 13, you’ll notice some growth taking place in how you take care of yourself. You tend to be very go with the flow, but on this day, you’ll be eager to set up a routine.

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