It’s more than just reality TV. It’s a lifestyle.
Have you ever wondered if your birth chart might have something to do with your taste in TV? If so, you’re right on the money, because astrology can say so much about not only your personality, but also your pop culture interests.
Geminis are probably the most social, clever, and gossipy people out there, which basically means they can talk about The Bachelor/ette all night long. If you haven’t invited a Gemini to your next watch party, then you better start searching for one ASAP.
Leos love to be the center of attention, which basically means they’ll vicariously live through whomever happens to be the Bachelor or Bachelorette of the season. This glamorous sign will take any opportunity to daydream about the idea of being nominated as the next Bach.
Those born under Pisces are emotional, imaginative, and unbelievably romantic. They can’t help but swoon at the prospect of finding their one true love, and if you haven’t introduced the Pisces in your life to The Bachelor/ette, then you’re doing them a disservice.