
The Luckiest Day In November 2022 Will Be Dreamy For Every Sign

Your fantasies will be larger than life.

by Valerie Mesa
Originally Published: 

And The Luckiest Day In November 2022 Is...

Nov. 20!

On this day, the sun will harmonize with lucky Jupiter, making it an uplifting and bountiful day. Dreams will become reality, and fantasies will be larger than life.

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Aries (March 21—April 19)

You’re unlocking your soul’s potential, and tapping into a treasure chest of abundance. Your mind is swathed with magical opportunities, fueling you and guiding your spirit forward. Trust your inner knowing, and follow your own path.

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Taurus (April 20—May 20)

What you seek is seeking you. The irony of this is you are as surprised as you are deeply aware. Something predestined is taking precedence, and what you’ve been secretly wishing for is closer than you think.

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Gemini (May 21—June 20)

In addition to making a darling impression on others, you’re deeply meditative in regards to the future, and you’re simultaneously manifesting your heart’s desires in the process. Your voice is an abundant source of wisdom. The universe is listening.

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Cancer (June 21—July 22)

Your daily rituals are sacred, and you’re finally starting to see the fruits of your labor. Your faith, too, goes a long way, so don’t be afraid to open your heart. A divine path is opening for you, but it’s up to you to trust it.

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Leo (July 23—Aug. 22)

Rest and recharge; the more authentic you are with yourself, the more your relationships will thrive. Doing something that brings you joy, no matter spontaneous or unconventional, is your superpower today.

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Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22)

You’re expanding in more ways than you realize, but it may require you to look at things from a different perspective. This could revolve around a significant partnership and your style of communicating. Test the waters, and trust your intuition.

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Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22)

What are you daydreaming about? You don’t have to refer to yourself as an eternal optimist, but there’s something about your ability to look on the bright side of things; the way you integrate this mindset with your daily rituals is magical.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21)

You’re stepping into your sparkling authenticity, and it’s all part of your journey to self-discovery. There is beauty in transformation, and you’re effortlessly exemplifying that.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)

You’re a visionary, and your vivid imagination is nothing short of admirable. Releasing yourself from outdated boundaries and belief systems allows you to expand in more ways than you realize.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)

There are so many opportunities being presented to you, so it’s hard to dedicate yourself to one particular path. Trusting your intuition when it comes to exploring other avenues will surely lead you in the right direction.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20—Feb. 18)

The momentum is building, and you can feel your passions rising. There’s no better feeling than taking the lead in your personal and professional life, so continue cultivating your sense of authority.

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Pisces (Feb. 19—March 20)

You’re an infinite source of spiritual wisdom, and the more you learn, the more these mystical scriptures pique your curiosity. Traveling to places with rich cultural backgrounds inspires you, and dabbling in sporadic research is no exception.

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