
There’s 1 Day In July When Every Zodiac Sign Is Going To Take Action

Carpe diem, fam.

by Valerie Mesa

On July 23, the cosmos will have all signs wanting to seize the moment, making it the best day of July 2022 for everyone. For starters, Mercury will make an inspiring trine to lucky Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion, and opportunity. But the best part? The moon will enter Mercury-ruled Gemini, which adorns both our emotional and physical reality with passion and enthusiasm. Carpe diem, fam!

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Aries (March 21 to April 19)

You’re curious, opinionated, and unapologetically using your voice. Whether it be a creative brainstorm where you effortlessly shine in the workplace, or an impromptu getaway with your crush, nothing’s stopping you from living life to the fullest today.

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Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

You’re meditating, reflecting, and tapping into your higher self. Harness the energy of today’s action-packed astro-weather with art, music, and rituals that are equally as enlightening as they are inspiring. Your psychic awareness is also heightened.

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Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

When was the last time you gathered with your best pals? Inspiring and spontaneous, today’s audacious trine between your curious ruler, Mercury, and expansive Jupiter will feel like the sweet pick-me-up you never knew you needed. Your social life is thriving, and you’re making a bold impression on your classmates, friends, and peers.

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Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

You’re making *big* boss moves, and the whole world is watching. Despite whether it’s in front of your superiors or via social media, don’t hesitate to put your unique talents on display today. Follow your intuition.

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Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

With that attitude, there’s no stopping you from taking over the world under today’s exhilarating skies. After all, it’s not everyday that both the sun and Mercury ignite your fixed fires simultaneously, (let alone) harmonize with lucky Jupiter in the process. Give back to your community, or gather with those who share similar hopes, and dreams. You’re the epitome of a team player.

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Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

You may opt for moving in silence today... but rest assured, you’re still a force to be reckoned with. Catching feelings for that special someone? You’re not only as passionate and as audacious as ever, but also incredibly set in your ways. Make your move without rushing the process.

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Libra (Sept. 22 to Oct. 23)

Reach for the stars. You’re dazzling your colleagues and peers with your brilliant ideas, and show-stopping charisma. Maybe it’s a new career venture, or a study group you’ve recently joined. Whatever the case may be, this is an opportunity for you to take the necessary risks, especially those of you who have you heart set on a particular goal and/or dream.

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Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 21)

Multitasking for the win! If you’ve got a lot on your plate, you’re in for a treat today. Despite whether it’s career-related or something as simple as sprucing up your workout regiment, today’s energizing Mercury-Jupiter trine is motivating and inspiring you to get the job done. Who says you can’t do it all? Go for it.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Feeling smitten? If it’s not the butterflies fluttering around your stomach, then chances are they make your heart skip a beat. Granted, to each their own... but under today’s sizzling skies, one thing’s for sure, Sagittarius: your passions are running high. Prefer to stay single? Tap into your creative musings, and dance like no one’s watching.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Home is where your heart is today. And despite whether you’re looking for love or already romantically attached, chances are you’re seeing the bigger picture of a particular situation. Pay attention, because you’re finally getting the clarity and closure you deserve. Invest your time and energy in the people, places, and situations that fulfill you.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Don’t lead them on, unless you’re interested. (Just kidding... maybe not.) Truth is, with the help of today’s audacious astro-weather, there’s no denying your flirtatious charm and powers of persuasion, but don’t get it twisted. This dynamic synergy doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic. In fact, some of you may decide to share some ideas with a potential business partner.

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Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)

What makes you feel at home? Hope you have your Pinterest boards handy, as today’s energizing astro-weather (namely, an uplifting trine between Mercury and lucky Jupiter) will likely inspire you to re-adorn your living space, while others of you explore other ways of getting creative. Sometimes, all it takes is one small change to make a big difference, and you’re seeing this firsthand.

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