Strong and assertive, Luisa’s the “rock” of the family. Sound familiar? You’re incredibly courageous and energetic, and just like Luisa, always quick to take initiative when your loved ones need help. While your independent nature is admirable, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do everything on your own.
Calm and reserved, your character match is Agustín. While he doesn’t have any magical powers of his own, he’s a supportive and loyal partner to Julieta, and a comforting supporter of Maribel. Though you both may be slow to anger, you’re never shy to stand up for yourself or your loved ones.
A social butterfly, your characteristics best align with Camilo’s, who can easily shape-shift and adapt, just like you. You’re always seeking new ways to be mentally stimulated, and your lighthearted, curious outlook always keeps you learning something new.
Caring and compassionate, Julieta is not only a mother, but she embodies all of the essential qualities of a nurturer, just like you. Your sympathy for others runs deep, and you’re always making sure that the people you love are taken care of, whether it be through a hug or a delicious meal.
Often referred to as the “golden child,” your vibrant, expressive personality is very similar to Isabela’s. While she can sometimes suffer from main character syndrome, her ability to light up a room can’t be denied, and you both are fiercely loyal to those you love.
Antonio’s ability to communicate with animals makes him not only an incredible listener, but incredibly smart — all qualities that describe you perfectly. You’re both always looking for ways to be of service, and while you’re not incredibly loud about it, your quiet, supportive energy is always appreciated.
Love and unity are your top priorities, something that you and Felix have in common. In Encanto, Félix is oftentimes seen helping his wife to balance her emotions, something that you have a natural knack for. As the peacemaker of the zodiac, you have a way of putting others at ease, even during times of distress.
Despite knowing the secrets of others, you very rarely express your own secrets, just like Dolores. Your emotions are incredibly powerful, but you usually aim to keep them hidden. For you and Dolores, vulnerability is definitely your biggest strength, so be sure to allow yourself to open up.
Adventurous and optimistic, your personality best aligns with Mirabel’s. Just like you, she has a way of remaining optimistic, even when the going gets tough. She’s eager to find out the truth about why the magic’s fading throughout the movie, and understands that knowledge is power.
As the goal-oriented and ambitious sign of the zodiac, your characteristics align perfectly with Abuela’s. While she’s known to be pretty strict, she’s the glue that keeps the family together. You both see the value in discipline and hard work, and it truly does pay off.
As the most unconventional, rebellious sign of the zodiac, your personality is similar to Bruno’s, who was ostracized by his family and lived in isolation for several years. Though you tend to be misunderstood, you never shy away from embracing your authentic self, even if it means you have to do it alone. It also happens to be what people admire most about you, because you’re never afraid to be yourself.
Highly emotional and mutable, your zodiac sign most aligns with Pepa, whose emotions are so strong that they affect the weather. Your energy is not only infectious, but can easily be affected by the people around you. Though this is definitely your strength, finding a way to balance your emotions is key.