These 4 Zodiac Signs Would Thrive In The White House

Big Boss Energy.

by Chelsea Jackson

Presidency is arguably the highest level of leadership one can reach. While many would crumble under the pressure of leading a nation, there are certain people who would thrive.

In fact, there’s a common theme among previous U.S. presidents: a lot of them were one of the following four zodiac signs. Though they differ in many ways, they all have one thing in common: They’re meant to lead.

Here’s Why Leo Is Most Likely To Make The Best President:

You like to be in charge, and you’re a big fan of being in the spotlight — you actually excel in it. A role as major as the president of the United States is as center stage as it gets.


As a Leo — like President Obama — the sign ruled by the lion, you’re the leader of the jungle. Presidency is the closest thing that many nations have to rulership. Your fiery nature is consistent and confident in every decision you make, and many of your decisions come from the heart.

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Here’s Why Scorpio Is Most Likely To Make The Best President:

As the zodiac sign all about determination and control, your willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed makes you perfect for any sort of leadership position, presidency included.


If you’re a Scorpio — like President Biden — you always have a goal you’re fixated on, and you’ve got the consistency to get it done. While the intensity of your emotions lurks in the shadows, you’re always able to put on a brave face in order to get the job done.

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Here’s Why Capricorn Is Most Likely To Make The Best President:

As the most goal-oriented zodiac sign of the zodiac, it really comes as no surprise that you’d excel in the White House. You’re always looking for ways to be productive and successful in life, and you take your work incredibly seriously.


Your work can consume you, which is oftentimes what presidents experience during their time served. You’d be able to handle this role with ease, and your traditional, disciplined nature would make you an incredibly fair leader.

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Here’s Why Aquarius Is Most Likely To Make The Best President:

You thrive in environments where you are free to share fresh and unique ideas. In a presidential role, that is a quality that can really be valued.


You’re somewhat a fan of structure, but you can also understand that many rules are meant to be broken. As a potential presidential candidate, you’d prioritize advocating for the underdog and offering support for those who are often neglected, something that’s admirable among presidents like fellow Aquarius President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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