
The Ultimate 8-Step Barry’s Workout To Try At Home

All you’ll need is 20-25 minutes and a little motivation.

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Completing an ace full-body workout doesn’t require expensive equipment nor a trip to the gym. Here, L.A.-based Barry’s instructor Mercedes Owens demonstrates eight at-home exercises that’ll get you sweating in 20 minutes. Master these and you’ll soon be a Red Room pro.

Mercedes Owen

IYDK: Barry’s is a boutique fitness studio billed as “the best workout in the world.” A former sports reporter, Owens began her Barry’s journey as a client and hasn’t looked back since. “The workout is so effective and so great,” she says. “It really is a party.”

Owens, who also teaches Barry’s X, repeats these eight moves while traveling or in a pinch. To follow along, grab a set of medium dumbbells (approx. 10 to 25 lbs), or the Barry’s Band Together Fit Kit; equipment-free modifications are welcome and encouraged.

Mercedes Owens

Move 1: Inchworm

For every exercise, shoot for four sets of eight to 12 reps. Beginners can select five exercises, try four sets of eights reps, and then move on to 10 and 12 reps within the same weight range. Repetition equals growth, so increase weight over time and repeat.

Mercedes Owens

Move 1: Inchworm

To start your warm up, walk to plank position and back to standing position, keeping your legs straight for a hamstring stretch. “As you move into it, add push-ups at the bottom, adding an extra push-up after every rep if you want to make it spicy,” Owens says.

Mercedes Owens

Move 1: Inchworm

“If you only have 10 minutes for a workout total, do these inchworms 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. “

Mercedes Owens

Move 2: Four-Corner Plank

“Start in a plank position on your hands and your toes. Here, your entire body is working to stabilize. Keep your quads flexed and your glutes squeezed. An instructor in Chicago says squeeze your butt cheeks together so tight a diamond pops out.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 2: Four-Corner Plank

“Tap all four corners, so right-shoulder, left-shoulder, and then you pike your hips back, right-toe, left-toe. So hand to opposite shoulder, hand to opposite toe.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 2: Four-Corner Plank

“You can keep it slow and controlled and get a deep, deep burn. If you want to get your heart rate up, go fast and you’ll breathe heavy after several sets.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 3: Deadlift

“Facilitate the movement through your hips, abs, and lower back, which are huge components to everyday functionality, whether it’s standing up from a seated position or bending over to grab groceries.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 3: Deadlift

“Be super careful with these at home. Try to do this in front of a mirror so you can active all that you need to be. This move can be done with a band, with bodyweight, or you can start to add in weights. It strengthens your stabilizing muscles.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 4: Deadlift Bent-Over Row Combo

“Once you feel comfortable with a deadlift, at the bottom of the deadlift, with weights by your side, pull those weights up to your pockets to target your upper back, your lats, and traps as well.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 4: Deadlift Bent-Over Row Combo

“Doing so is going to make this a more dynamic movement. Start with a band and move on to weights, or just practice the functionality of it without any equipment at all.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 5: Squat Thruster

“If you have access to dumbbells, or whatever weight you feel comfortable taking over your head, try this. It’s just a squat, dropping down, toes at 11 and 1 o’clock, and then standing up with that squat.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 5: Squat Thruster

“You’ll really have to activate that core and you’re using all of your momentum from your leg to press the weight overheard. Try to make this one fluid movement so your entire body and all major muscle groups are firing at the same time. It’s functional.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 6: Up-Downs

“These are my favorite because I have had a lot of injuries and I’m careful about managing impact, but sometimes you want to move faster and get your heart rate up,” Owens says. “They’re basically a burpee without the push-up or the squat-jump at the top.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 6: Up-Downs

“Use them for your warm up, or your workout in and of itself by adding light or heavy weights, working it until burnout. Add a curl or a squat for an extra little cherry on top.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 7: Half Burpee

“For burpee lovers that need to work isolation, try a half burpee. Take it to the ground, hit your pushup, and take it up to a squat-hold. Hold that squat for two seconds.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 7: Half Burpee

“You’re never standing upright in the movement — your quads are going to burn. So, squat-hold down into your push-up, and it’ll burn through your core.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 8: Single Weight Dumbbell Snatch

“Snatches are great because you can do a squat to high-pull, using a band or dumbbell, practicing in the mirror, keeping your chest upright. It’s a super dynamic movement.”

Mercedes Owens

Move 8: Single Weight Dumbbell Snatch

“Once you feel comfortable, snatch the weight overhead, like you’re zipping up a jacket. Keep the weight close to you, get underneath it up top, and bring it down with control. You have to control and balance the weight while it’s in motion.”

Mercedes Owens