This is the look Charlotte sports while reading of Eloise’s scandal in Whistledown's newsletter. Like with the post-wedding wig, she’s leaning into a conservative style while feeling low. But judging by her hair’s height, she’s coming back to her old self.
It’s heart-shaped, grandiose, hilarious, and over the top. It should be a crowning achievement, or at least make the Top 5. But unfortunately, this wig looks just a little too like powdered Mickey Mouse ears for my taste — that, and the crown is crooked.
All hail one of the best looks of the season, in which the Queen goes for the closest thing to a natural look and weaves it into her take on the traditional giant royal bouffant. The gold and red jewel clips that set off the earrings are *chef’s kiss.*
Nothing can top this utterly marvelous creation from the opening debutante scene: lace, ribbons, ostrich feathers, hair rolls mixed with natural curls, and a tiara the size of my face. It's like a royal cloud has been allowed to sit upon her head. Bow down.