The Best Thing About Morbius? The Hilarious Memes Trashing It

At least people are talking about it?

by Dylan Kickham
Sony Pictures

Following the success of Venom, Morbius doubled down on the twisted monstrousness of Sony’s Spider-verse. But the vampire flick got a stake through the heart from reviewers, and moviegoers trashed the film online. But at least the Morbius memes are entertaining.

Sony Pictures

The main meme involved moviegoers joking about “Morbius fever” or a “Morbius sweep” above photos of empty movie theaters.

Good luck finding a seat.

The ideal Morbius viewing experience!

People can’t get rid of their tickets fast enough.

No need to avoid spoilers. Apparently it doesn’t matter.

The writing is truly next-level.

Ever wanted a whole movie theater to yourself? Now’s your chance!

Somehow, Morbius dug an even deeper grave than anyone expected.

Are you ready for the Morbi-verse?

Even Morbius star Tyrese Gibson fell prey to all the memes.

The movie may not be fun, but all these memes honestly make Morbius worth it just for the jokes.