
Everyone's Cringing At Amanda Seyfried's Awkward Lil Wayne Dance In The Dropout

Awkwardness personified.


Hulu’s series about Elizabeth Holmes is packed with awkward moments, but nothing compared to Episode 5’s cringe-inducing scene. After a fight with her partner Sunny, Holmes (played by Amanda Seyfried) awkwardly danced to Lil Wayne’s “How to Love” for him.


The cringey dance scene quickly blew up on social media.

And honestly, although it was hard to watch, it kind of felt perfect for the character.

Like, what is even going on!?

It was... a definite downgrade from Seyfried’s dancing in Mean Girls.

Now everyone’s imagining the real Elizabeth Holmes dancing like that.

Whoever came up with that scene is wild.

It gave fans all of the emotions.

The sheer chaos of it all.

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