Here's How To Bounce Back After A Really Awful Day At Work, According To Experts

There's nothing quite like a soul-sucking day at work, amirite? Jokes aside, it truly is one of the worst feelings to come home after a rough day or a long shift and just feel completely burnt out or riled up because of something that happened during work hours. And not all of us know how to bounce back from a bad day at work by simply putting our feet up, you know? Sometimes it takes a real self-care plan and some mental or emotional tools to really lift us out of that bad-work-day fog.

As marriage and family therapist Christie Tcharkhoutian tells Elite Daily over email, after a bad day of work, it’s always important to let yourself unplug, de-stress, and unwind. She suggests making sure your environment at home is one that will help you find peace, whether that means having all the items at hand for a nice bath, or making a rule to turn off your phone when you come home from work.

But aside from having a soothing, safe space to come back to, there are other things you can do, and shifts you can make in your way of thinking, that will help those inevitable bummer days seem a little less dark and difficult to get through. Trust me, you don't have to let a bad day wipe out your spirit. Take a few cues from pros on how to restart and rebound when you're off the clock.

Remind Yourself Why You Do What You Do

Maybe you don't do your job because it's something you love. Maybe it's simply so you can live in a city that excites you, or because you're working your way through school. Or maybe it's a stepping stone to something else. Whatever the reason is, remind yourself that the job itself does not define you. "Oftentimes, we can get stuck in the grind and focus on the details of the job," Tcharkhoutian tells Elite Daily. "It's worth reminding ourselves of the bigger picture."

Remembering why you do the work that you do, she says, as well as that underlying, deeper calling or purpose, will help you persevere through those bad days, even when they seem like they'll never end.

Get Up And Move Your Body

As Elle Woods said in Legally Blonde, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy." Deborah Sweeney, CEO of, tells Elite Daily something similar: "If you had a bad day at work, the best way to bounce back from it is to get up and get in a good workout."

Specifically, Sweeney suggests going for a run after work, practicing some yoga, or even dancing in a Zumba class. "This will help to shake off the negative energy of the day and wrap things up on a positive note," she says.

Work Is Over, So Let It Go For The Day

According to Regan Walsh, an executive coach and life coach, once you accept the fact that you’ll never be able to fully anticipate what other people will or will not do or approve of all the time — particularly at work — it gets easier to manage their disappointment and not take things so personally. And yes, Walsh tells Elite Daily, it's best to just let it go when you clock out for the day.

Perhaps you got into a tiff with a co-worker, or someone didn't approve a project you headed up. These things happen, and they happen to everyone. Breathe, and shrug it off it for the day. You can get back into problem-solving mode tomorrow.

Don’t Let Yourself Be Defined By The Feedback

Yes, listening to and seeking feedback is important in the workplace, but if that's a big part of the reason for your bummer mood, it's best to avoid taking something like this to heart, Walsh says. The feedback isn't necessarily true, but no matter what it is, it also doesn't define who you are or what you are capable of doing.

"When I was 28, the founding partner of my company sent me an email that said: 'I don’t think you know what you’re doing.' I fused with the eight words and considered the statement of that partner to be fact," the life coach shares with Elite Daily. "Today, I would be able to hear the words and understand her concern for the business without making her opinion part of my identity."

In other words, it's all about compartmentalizing work life from personal life; one does not necessarily define the other.

Remember Your Track Record And Give Yourself Some Credit

Walsh points out that, even if you've had a crummy day or two at work, you likely have an archive of success stories in your portfolio. Try calling upon those times in your mind when you're having a rough day, or you can even keep a literal archive of them if that helps you more.

"Reliving those moments [of success] will help settle your nerves and [help you] feel the confidence you’ve rightfully earned," she tells Elite Daily.

Just Do The Best You Can

Walsh also offers the simple, but important reminder to do your best each day, and stick to the best of intentions when you're doing your job. "Do your work honestly, with integrity and good intention, and show up for yourself, day in and day out," she tells Elite Daily. This way, she says, it's a lot more difficult to allow others to disrupt your confidence level.

And as for right now, how about putting the cherry on top of all these tips by treating yourself to some sushi and a few episodes of Riverdale?